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$ apheris [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --install-completion: Install completion for the current shell.
  • --show-completion: Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or customize the installation.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • login: Interactive login to the Apheris platform.
  • logout: Log out of the Apheris platform.
  • version: Print the version of the Apheris CLI.
  • datasets: Use the sub-commands to interact with datasets.
  • compute: Use the sub-commands to interact with Compute Specs.
  • job: Use the sub-commands to interact with jobs.
  • models: Interact with the Model Registry.

apheris login🔗

Interactive login to the Apheris platform. You will be forwarded to a website. For machine to machine applications (m2m), make sure the environment variables APH_SERVICE_USER_CLIENT_ID and APH_SERVICE_USER_CLIENT_SECRET are set. Call apheris login status to check your login status.


$ apheris login [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]


  • [COMMAND]: Call apheris login status to show your login status.


  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris logout🔗

Log out of the Apheris platform.


$ apheris logout [OPTIONS]


  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris version🔗

Print the version of the Apheris CLI.


$ apheris version [OPTIONS]


  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris datasets🔗

Use the sub-commands to interact with datasets.


$ apheris datasets [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • list: List all datasets that you have access to.
  • describe: Show information on a single dataset.
  • policy: Show the asset policy of a dataset that you have access to.

apheris datasets list🔗

List all datasets that you have access to.


$ apheris datasets list [OPTIONS]


  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris datasets describe🔗

Show information on a single dataset.


$ apheris datasets describe [OPTIONS] DATASET_ID


  • DATASET_ID: ID of the dataset to show information on. [required]


  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris datasets policy🔗

Show the asset policy of a dataset that you have access to.


$ apheris datasets policy [OPTIONS] DATASET_ID


  • DATASET_ID: ID of the dataset to get the policy for. [required]


  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris compute🔗

Use the sub-commands to interact with Compute Specs.


$ apheris compute [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • create: Create a Compute Spec on the Apheris orchestrator.
  • get: Get a Compute Spec from the Apheris orchestrator.
  • list: List all your Compute Specs.
  • activate: Activate a Compute Spec.
  • deactivate: Deactivate a Compute Spec - stops any running jobs and shuts down any infrastructure that was brought up for this Compute Spec.
  • activate-status: Get information on the status of the activation of a Compute Spec.
  • status: Get the status of a Compute Spec.
  • deactivate-all: Deactivate all Compute Specs that are in an active or transitional state.

apheris compute create🔗

Create a Compute Spec on the Apheris orchestrator. All parameters that are not passed as command line arguments will be interactively queried.


$ apheris compute create [OPTIONS]


  • --dataset_ids TEXT: Comma-separated dataset IDs, e.g. -dataset_ids=id1,id2,id3
  • --ignore_limits: The CLI sets some expected bounds for requested infrastructure resources. Use this flag to override the validation checks if your model requires more resources.
  • --client_n_cpu FLOAT: number of vCPUs of Compute Clients
  • --client_n_gpu INTEGER: number of GPUs of Compute Clients
  • --client_memory INTEGER: memory of Compute Clients [MByte]
  • --server_n_cpu FLOAT: number of vCPUs of Compute Aggregators
  • --server_n_gpu INTEGER: number of GPUs of Compute Aggregators
  • --server_memory INTEGER: memory of Compute Aggregators [MByte]
  • --model_id TEXT: A model ID, e.g. statistics
  • --model_version TEXT: The version of the model to use, e.g. v0.0.5
  • --json PATH: File path to json file that describes a Compute Spec. Please use the interactive workflow once to learn about the expected format. If specified, all other arguments (except for force) must be None to avoid clashes.
  • -f, --force: Do not ask if user is certain, and do not ask for arguments interactively.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris compute get🔗

Get a Compute Spec from the Apheris orchestrator.


$ apheris compute get [OPTIONS] [COMPUTE_SPEC_ID]


  • [COMPUTE_SPEC_ID]: The ID of the Compute Spec. If None, use the most recently used Compute Spec ID.


  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris compute list🔗

List all your Compute Specs.


$ apheris compute list [OPTIONS]


  • -l, --limit INTEGER RANGE: Limit the number of Compute Specs shown. [x>=1]
  • -v, --verbose: Show more detailed status information.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris compute activate🔗

Activate a Compute Spec. This will spin up a cluster of Compute Clients and Compute Aggregators.


$ apheris compute activate [OPTIONS] [COMPUTE_SPEC_ID]


  • [COMPUTE_SPEC_ID]: The ID of the Compute Spec. If None, use the most recently used Compute Spec ID.


  • -f, --force: Do not ask if user is certain.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris compute deactivate🔗

Deactivate a Compute Spec - stops any running jobs and shuts down any infrastructure that was brought up for this Compute Spec. Use this if you have spun up a cluster of Compute Clients and Compute Aggregators, and don't need it anymore. Provided the Compute Spec remains approved, you can use activate to reinstate the infrastructure if needed at a later time.


$ apheris compute deactivate [OPTIONS] [COMPUTE_SPEC_ID]


  • [COMPUTE_SPEC_ID]: The ID of the Compute Spec. If None, use the most recently used Compute Spec ID.


  • -f, --force: Do not ask if user is certain.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris compute activate-status🔗

Get information on the status of the activation of a Compute Spec.


$ apheris compute activate-status [OPTIONS] [COMPUTE_SPEC_ID]


  • [COMPUTE_SPEC_ID]: The ID of the Compute Spec. If None, use the most recently used Compute Spec ID.


  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris compute status🔗

Get the status of a Compute Spec.


$ apheris compute status [OPTIONS] [COMPUTE_SPEC_ID]


  • [COMPUTE_SPEC_ID]: The ID of the Compute Spec. If None, use the most recently used Compute Spec ID.


  • -v, --verbose: Show more information about Compute Spec status. Can be used to diagnose the issue when your Compute Spec is stuck in creating, for example, due to capacity constraints.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris compute deactivate-all🔗

Deactivate all Compute Specs that are in an active or transitional state.


$ apheris compute deactivate-all [OPTIONS]


  • -f, --force: Do not ask for confirmation.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris job🔗

Use the sub-commands to interact with jobs.


$ apheris job [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • run: Submit a job to run it.
  • schedule: Schedule a job with specified datasets, model, and resources.
  • list: List jobs.
  • status: Get the status and details of a job.
  • abort: Abort a currently running job.
  • download-results: Download the results of a job.
  • logs: Download the logs for a job, which can be optionally written to a file.

apheris job run🔗

Submit a job to run it.


$ apheris job run [OPTIONS]


  • --payload TEXT: Arguments to provide to the job. You can either provide the filepath to a JSON file, or a string that contains a JSON compatible dictionary.
  • --compute-spec-id UUID: The ID of the Compute Spec. If None, use the most recently used Compute Spec ID.
  • -f, --force: Do not ask if user is certain.
  • -v, --verbose: Show more detailed information.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris job schedule🔗

Schedule a job with specified datasets, model, and resources.


$ apheris job schedule [OPTIONS]


  • --dataset_ids TEXT: Comma-separated dataset IDs, e.g. id1,id2,id3 [required]
  • --model_id TEXT: A model ID, e.g. statistics [required]
  • --model_version TEXT: The version of the model to use, e.g. 0.0.5 [required]
  • --payload TEXT: Arguments to provide to the job. You can either provide the filepath to a JSON file, or a string that contains a JSON compatible dictionary
  • -f, --force: Do not ask if user is certain.
  • --client_n_cpu FLOAT: number of vCPUs of Compute Clients
  • --client_n_gpu INTEGER: number of GPUs of Compute Clients
  • --client_memory INTEGER: memory of Compute Clients [MByte]
  • --server_n_cpu FLOAT: number of vCPUs of Compute Aggregators
  • --server_n_gpu INTEGER: number of GPUs of Compute Aggregators
  • --server_memory INTEGER: memory of Compute Aggregators [MByte]
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris job list🔗

List jobs.


$ apheris job list [OPTIONS]


  • --compute-spec-id UUID: The ID of the Compute Spec. If None, returns all jobs
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris job status🔗

Get the status and details of a job.


$ apheris job status [OPTIONS]


  • --job-id UUID: The ID of the job. If None, use the most recently used job ID.
  • -v, --verbose: Show more detailed information.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris job abort🔗

Abort a currently running job.


$ apheris job abort [OPTIONS]


  • --job-id UUID: The ID of the job. If None, use the most recently used job ID.
  • --compute-spec-id UUID: The ID of the Compute Spec. If None, use the most recently used Compute Spec ID.
  • -f, --force: Do not ask if user is certain.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris job download-results🔗

Download the results of a job.


$ apheris job download-results [OPTIONS] [DOWNLOAD_PATH]


  • [DOWNLOAD_PATH]: Directory to store the downloaded results


  • --job-id UUID: The ID of the job. If None, use the most recently used job ID.
  • --compute-spec-id UUID: The ID of the Compute Spec. If None, use the most recently used Compute Spec ID.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris job logs🔗

Download the logs for a job, which can be optionally written to a file.


$ apheris job logs [OPTIONS]


  • --storage-path FILE: File in which to store logs (plaintext)
  • --job-id UUID: The ID of the job. If None, use the most recently used job ID.
  • --compute-spec-id UUID: The ID of the Compute Spec. If None, use the most recently used Compute Spec ID.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris models🔗

Interact with the Model Registry.


$ apheris models [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • list: List models that are available in the Model Registry.
  • get: Get a model by its ID.
  • list-versions: Get a list of all versions available for a given model.
  • add-version: Add a new version to an existing model in the Model Registry.
  • add: Preview functionality: please speak to your Apheris representative to enable this feature.
  • show-robot: Preview functionality: please speak to your Apheris representative to enable this feature.

apheris models list🔗

List models that are available in the Model Registry. Note that only the 3 most recent versions of each model are shown.


$ apheris models list [OPTIONS]


  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris models get🔗

Get a model by its ID.


$ apheris models get [OPTIONS] MODEL_ID


  • MODEL_ID: Apheris ID of a model. Can be obtained via Apheris UI or CLI. [required]


  • -v, --verbose: Show more detailed status information.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris models list-versions🔗

Get a list of all versions available for a given model.


$ apheris models list-versions [OPTIONS] MODEL_ID


  • MODEL_ID: Apheris ID of a model. Can be obtained via Apheris UI or CLI. [required]


  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris models add-version🔗

Add a new version to an existing model in the Model Registry.


$ apheris models add-version [OPTIONS] MODEL_ID


  • MODEL_ID: Apheris ID of the model to which you want to add a version to. Obtainable via Apheris UI or CLI. [required]


  • --version TEXT: Version number for the new model version. Needs to match the repo that holds the built image. [required]
  • --digest TEXT: Digest for the new model. Needs to match the repository that holds the built image. [required]
  • --commit-hash TEXT: Hash for the new model version. [required]
  • --engine-version TEXT: Engine version, for example nvflare:2.5.2. For information on supported engines and versions, please contact your Apheris representative. [required]
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris models add🔗

Preview functionality: please speak to your Apheris representative to enable this feature. Add a new model in the Model Registry.


$ apheris models add [OPTIONS] MODEL_ID


  • MODEL_ID: ID of the model. Must be unique and contain only lowercase letters (a-z), digits (0-9), and single hyphens. No leading, trailing, or consecutive hyphens are allowed. [required]


  • --model-name TEXT: Name of the model. This is the human-readable name of the model. [required]
  • --source-repository-url TEXT: FQDN of the source repository. [required]
  • --model-description TEXT: Longer description of the model. Markdown is supported. Max 5000 characters.
  • --logo-url TEXT: URL to the logo of the model or base64 encoded image.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

apheris models show-robot🔗

Preview functionality: please speak to your Apheris representative to enable this feature. Show user's robot account details to push model versions to the model's OCI repository.


$ apheris models show-robot [OPTIONS]


  • --help: Show this message and exit.