Model Registry🔗
The Model Registry is a collection of models that will run federated out-of-the-box on datasets that are registered to Apheris Compute Gateways. The Model Registry combines different data-driven algorithms that include statistical, machine learning or deep learning implementations.
When you start your journey on the Apheris platform, your Model Registry is pre-populated with Apheris-defined models. It is furthermore possible to build your own customized models for your collaborators and yourself. You can learn more about creating custom models in the next chapter.
When clicking an item in the model list, you are forwarded to the model view.

Model view🔗
The model view shows you details about:
- the author and organization that created this model;
- its first creation date;
- its versions, as well as the underlying federation framework;
- details about its capabilities;
- recommendations regarding its security, privacy and regulatory compliance.