Federated Learning and Data Mesh: how it enhances data architecture

Federated Learning and Data Mesh enable decentralized model training with domain-specific governance. This integration improves data privacy, scalability, and regulatory compliance, addressing limitations of traditional systems in regulated sectors where sensitive data is involved.
Johannes Forster
Director of AI Solution Architecture at Apheris
Published 5 September 2024

With nearly a decade of experience in consulting for the financial services industry, I've witnessed numerous waves of Big Data philosophies. From the early days of Data Warehouses to the more recent rise of Data Lakes, each new approach promised to revolutionize how organizations manage and leverage their data.

However, despite the advancements, these centralized systems often fell short in addressing the unique challenges faced by industries like banking and insurance, where data is inherently siloed and distributed.

Working closely with various branches in banking and insurance, I saw firsthand the immense potential that lies in combining insights from high-quality, real-world data.

Yet, the traditional centralized data architectures struggled to keep up with the demands for scalability, security, and privacy.

Recently, I made a significant career shift to join a marvelous and innovative startup that specializes in secure and governed Federated Learning. This move has been eye-opening. I quickly realized that Federated Learning and Data Mesh are not just complementary technologies; they are a match made in heaven.

Federated Learning allows for collaborative model training across decentralized data sources without compromising data privacy, while Data Mesh provides a scalable and flexible framework for managing data as a product within decentralized domains.

What is Data Mesh?

Data Mesh is a relatively new architectural paradigm in data management that aims to address the challenges posed by traditional centralized data architectures. Coined by Zhamak Dehghani at ThoughtWorks, Data Mesh is designed to enable scalable, flexible, and high-quality data management in large, complex organizations. It emphasizes decentralization, treating data as a product, and domain-oriented ownership and governance.

Core principles of Data Mesh

from Zhamak Dehghani, who is the godmother of Data Mesh Architectures and has written a very comprehensive book about it.

Domain-Oriented Decentralization

Data Mesh draws inspiration from Domain-Driven Design (DDD). It shifts the ownership of data from a centralized data team to domain-specific teams that are closer to the data's source and its business context.

Each domain team is responsible for the data it generates, ensuring the data is relevant, accurate, and up-to-date. This approach helps in overcoming the limitations of centralized data lakes or warehouses, which often struggle with bottlenecks, data silos, and a lack of contextual understanding.

Data as a Product

In Data Mesh, data is treated as a product, with domain teams acting as data product owners. This means they are responsible for the complete lifecycle of their data products, from creation and maintenance to delivery and quality assurance.

Each data product must be discoverable, addressable, secure, and interoperable, ensuring it can be easily consumed by other domains or external users. This product-oriented approach promotes high standards of data quality and usability.

Self-Serve Data Infrastructure

To support domain teams in managing their data products independently, Data Mesh advocates for a self-serve data infrastructure.

This involves providing a set of standardized tools, platforms, and services that enable teams to build, deploy, and maintain their data products without requiring deep expertise in infrastructure management. It encompasses data pipelines, storage solutions, cataloging, security, and monitoring tools that are automated and easy to use.

Federated Computational Governance

While decentralization is key, some level of central oversight is necessary to ensure consistency and compliance across the organization. Federated governance in Data Mesh involves setting global standards, policies, and practices that all domains must adhere to.

This includes data interoperability standards, security protocols, and compliance requirements. The federated governance model ensures that while domains operate independently, they still align with the organization’s overall data strategy and regulatory requirements.

Benefits of Data Mesh


Data Mesh enables organizations to scale their data operations more effectively by distributing the workload across domain teams. Each team can manage its data independently, reducing the burden on central data teams and avoiding bottlenecks. Improved data quality and relevance with domain-specific teams responsible for their data products, there is a greater focus on the relevance and quality of the data. Teams that generate the data have a better understanding of its context and can ensure it meets the needs of their consumers.

Faster Time-to-Insight

By decentralizing data management, Data Mesh allows for quicker access to data and faster decision-making. Domain teams can iterate and innovate on their data products more rapidly without waiting for central approvals or resources.

Enhanced Collaboration

Data Mesh promotes a collaborative environment where domain teams share data products that can be easily consumed and integrated by others. This fosters a culture of cooperation and knowledge sharing across the organization.Resilience and Flexibility

The decentralized nature of Data Mesh provides greater resilience and flexibility. Domains can evolve their data products independently, adapting to changing business needs without impacting the entire organization.

Challenges and considerations of data mesh

Complexity in Implementation

Implementing Data Mesh can be complex, requiring significant changes in organizational structure, culture, and technology. It involves redefining roles and responsibilities, investing in new infrastructure, and ensuring teams are trained to manage their data products effectively.

Governance and Standardization

While federated governance aims to balance decentralization with consistency, achieving the right level of oversight can be challenging. Organizations must develop robust governance frameworks that enforce standards without stifling innovation.

Cultural Shift

Data Mesh requires a cultural shift towards ownership and accountability at the domain level. This can be challenging in organizations accustomed to centralized data management practices.

Interoperability and Integration

Ensuring data products from different domains are interoperable and can be easily integrated requires careful planning and standardization. This includes defining common data formats, APIs, and metadata standards.

Companies using data mesh: case studies and real-world implementations


Zalando, a European e-commerce company, implemented Data Mesh to overcome the limitations of its centralized data lake. By decentralizing data ownership to domain teams, Zalando improved data quality and accessibility, enabling faster and more accurate business insights.


Netflix uses Data Mesh principles to manage its vast amounts of data across various domains. The company has developed a self-service data platform that allows domain teams to build and deploy their data products independently, fostering innovation and agility.


Paypal adopted Data Mesh to enhance its data management capabilities, especially in handling diverse data sources across global operations. The decentralization of data ownership has allowed Paypal to scale its data operations and improve data governance.

JP Morgan

JP Morgan's Data Mesh architecture standardizes the deployment of data lakes using a defined set of cloud services, aligning the data technology solutions with their data product strategy. This enables effective data sharing across the enterprise's diverse Lines of Business (LoBs), granting data owners the necessary control and visibility to manage their data efficiently.

What is Federated Learning?

Federated Learning (FL) is a machine learning paradigm introduced by Google in 2016. It enables the training of machine learning models across multiple decentralized devices or servers holding local data samples without sharing them.

This approach addresses several key challenges in traditional centralized machine learning, particularly around data privacy, security, and efficiency.

Core principles of Federated Learning

Federated Learning visualization from our friends and partners at NVIDIA

Decentralized Model Training

Federated Learning involves training machine learning models directly on decentralized data sources (e.g., user devices or organizational servers). The core idea is that data remains local, and only model updates, such as gradients or weights, are shared with a central server for aggregation.

Privacy Preservation

One of the primary motivations for Federated Learning is to enhance data privacy. Since data does not leave the local device, there is no risk of exposing sensitive information due to moving the data outside of the protected environment during the training process. Techniques like differential privacy and secure multi-party computation can further enhance privacy and fall under the umbrella of privacy-enhancing technologies.

Communication Efficiency

Federated Learning is designed to be communication-efficient. Rather than transmitting large datasets, only the necessary updates to the model parameters are sent over the network. This significantly reduces the bandwidth and computational resources required compared to traditional centralized approaches.

Collaborative Learning

Federated Learning facilitates collaborative learning across different entities, each contributing to a global model without sharing their raw data.

This is particularly useful in scenarios where data is distributed across various sources with different owners, such as in healthcare, finance, or mobile applications. In addition, distributed datasets pose a much less desirable target for malicious actors compared to a huge centralized dataset where only one environment has to be attacked.

Benefits of Federated Learning

Enhanced Data Privacy and Security

Federated Learning ensures that data remains on local devices, reducing the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access. This is especially important for sensitive data in sectors like healthcare and finance, where privacy regulations are stringent.Reduced Data Movement

By keeping data local and only sharing model updates, Federated Learning reduces the need for extensive data transfer. This again reduces the risk of data leakage and attacks during transit but also reduces the costs of data packaging or establishing efficient, safe and secure transfer pipelines.


Federated Learning scales naturally with the number of participating devices or nodes. As the number of devices increases, the amount of data contributing to the model grows, potentially leading to better model performance without the need for centralized data aggregation.

Improved Model Generalization

Since Federated Learning aggregates updates from diverse data sources, the resulting models often generalize better to different data distributions. This diversity helps in creating robust models that perform well across various scenarios and environments.

Compliance with Data Regulations

Federated Learning helps organizations comply with data protection regulations like GDPR by ensuring that personal data does not leave the local device. This makes it easier to adhere to legal requirements while still benefiting from collaborative learning.

Challenges and considerations

Federated learning also comes with some challenges. I’ll explore them now.

Communication Overhead

While Federated Learning reduces data transfer by sharing model updates instead of raw data, the communication overhead can still be significant, especially when dealing with large models or frequent updates.

Heterogeneity of Data

Data across different devices or nodes can vary significantly in terms of quality, quantity, and distribution. This heterogeneity can pose challenges for model convergence and performance consistency.

Security Risks

Although Federated Learning enhances data privacy, it is not immune to security threats. Techniques like poisoning attacks, where malicious participants send incorrect updates, can compromise the model's integrity. Robust aggregation mechanisms are required to mitigate such risks.

Resource Constraints

Devices participating in Federated Learning may have limited computational resources, which can impact their ability to train models effectively. Balancing the workload and optimizing resource usage is crucial for efficient FL implementations.

Model and Algorithm Complexity

Designing models and algorithms that can efficiently operate in a federated setting can be complex. It requires careful consideration of factors like update frequency, model size, and aggregation methods to ensure effective learning.

Federated Learning: Real-World Applications and Use Cases


Federated Learning is particularly valuable in healthcare, where patient data privacy is paramount. Hospitals and research institutions can collaboratively train models on medical data without sharing sensitive information, enabling advancements in diagnostics and treatment.


In the financial sector, Federated Learning can be used to detect fraud by training models on transaction data from different institutions. This collaborative approach enhances fraud detection capabilities while preserving the privacy of customer data.

Smart Devices and IoT

In the realm of Internet of Things (IoT), Federated Learning enables smart devices to learn collaboratively. Devices like smart home systems, wearables, and autonomous vehicles can improve their functionalities through FL by sharing model updates rather than raw data.

Federated Learning and Data Mesh: Synergistic Integration of both frameworks

The integration of Federated Learning into Data Mesh structures leverages the decentralized nature of both approaches, creating a robust framework for modern data management.

Federated Learning supports the domain-specific governance of Data Mesh by enabling model training without data centralization.

Strategic benefits behind combining federation and data mesh

  • Enhanced Data Privacy and Security Combining Federated Learning with Data Mesh enhances data security by ensuring that data remains within its originating domain while still contributing to a global model. This approach is particularly beneficial in sensitive industries like healthcare and finance.

  • Scalability and Efficiency Data Mesh’s decentralized structure, combined with Federated Learning’s efficient model update mechanism, significantly reduces the bandwidth and computational resources required. This makes the system highly scalable and efficient.

  • Improved Data Quality and Relevance Federated Learning enables domain-specific models that are finely tuned to local data, ensuring high-quality, relevant insights. In a Data Mesh, these models can be aggregated to form a comprehensive, accurate global model.

  • Domain-Specific Innovation Federated Learning empowers domain teams to innovate independently, aligning with Data Mesh’s principle of domain-centric ownership and accountability. This fosters a culture of continuous improvement and technological advancement.

  • Regulatory Compliance Both Federated Learning and Data Mesh support compliance with data protection regulations by keeping data local and reducing the risk of data breaches.

  • Reduction in Data Redundancy Federated Learning minimizes data duplication by keeping data local, conserving bandwidth, and reducing storage requirements.

Integration of federation and data mesh: challenges and considerations

While the integration of Federated Learning and Data Mesh offers transformative benefits, several challenges must be addressed to fully realize their potential.

At the core of these challenges lies the need for robust and effective Computational Governance, which ensures that the decentralized nature of these technologies does not compromise security, privacy, or compliance.

Federated governance and standardization

One of the primary challenges in combining Federated Learning with Data Mesh is establishing a comprehensive governance framework that can effectively balance decentralization with the need for consistency and control.

Data Mesh adopts a data-centric approach, focusing on reducing privacy risks by limiting access to sensitive data within each domain. This ensures that only authorized teams can interact with specific datasets, but it also necessitates a high level of coordination and standardization across domains to maintain interoperability and compliance.

In contrast, Federated Learning introduces an algorithm-centric approach to governance, where the focus is on controlling the actions of algorithms rather than restricting data access.

This involves implementing secure aggregation techniques, differential privacy, and robust encryption to ensure that data remains protected even as it contributes to global model updates.

However, managing this at scale, especially in environments with diverse data sources and varying levels of sensitivity, can be complex.

Interoperability and integration

Ensuring seamless interoperability between the different domains and systems involved in a Federated Learning-Data Mesh integration is another significant challenge.

The decentralized and distributed nature of these architectures requires clear protocols for data exchange, model updates, and governance policies. Without careful planning, there is a risk of creating data silos or inconsistencies in how data and models are managed across domains.

Resource constraints and complexity

Devices and systems participating in Federated Learning and Data Mesh environments may have varying levels of computational power and resources. Managing these disparities while ensuring that all participants contribute effectively to the learning process can be difficult.

Moreover, the complexity of designing and maintaining algorithms that can operate efficiently in a federated and decentralized context adds another layer of challenge.

Bridging the computational governance gap with the Apheris Compute Gateway

The Apheris Compute Gateway offers a powerful solution to these challenges by providing a secure, scalable, and compliant platform specifically designed for decentralized data processing.

Apheris addresses the key governance issues by seamlessly integrating the data-centric and algorithm-centric approaches to Computational Governance, creating a holistic framework that ensures security, privacy, and compliance across the board.

Governance and standardization

Apheris Compute Gateway enables organizations to implement both data-centric and algorithm-centric governance models within a unified platform.

It facilitates the standardization of protocols and policies across decentralized domains, ensuring that data access is controlled while also governing how algorithms interact with that data. This dual governance model is critical for maintaining consistency, compliance, and security in highly sensitive environments.

Interoperability and integration

The product is designed with interoperability in mind, offering standardized tools and protocols that allow for seamless integration between different domains and systems.

Apheris ensures that data and models can be efficiently shared and updated across a distributed network without compromising on security or privacy.

Resource optimization

Apheris Compute Gateway optimizes the use of computational resources across participating devices and systems, ensuring that even those with limited capabilities can contribute effectively to the federated learning process.

The platform’s robust architecture simplifies the deployment and management of complex algorithms, reducing the burden on individual domain teams and enhancing overall efficiency.

In summary, while the integration of Federated Learning and Data Mesh presents several challenges, solutions like Apheris Compute Gateway are instrumental in overcoming these hurdles.

By providing a comprehensive framework for Computational Governance, Apheris enables organizations to unlock the full potential of their distributed data assets, ensuring that privacy, security, and compliance are maintained at every step.

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References and Further Reading Data Mesh

References and Further Reading Federated Learning

  • Kairouz, P., McMahan, H. B., et al. "Advances and Open Problems in Federated Learning." arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.04977 (2019)

  • Bonawitz, K., et al. "Practical Secure Aggregation for Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning." Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (2017)

  • "Federated Learning: Collaborative Machine Learning without Centralized Training Data." Google AI Blog https://ai.googleblog.com/2017/04/federated-learning-collaborative.html

  • Yang, Q., Liu, Y., et al. "Federated Machine Learning: Concept and Applications." ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (2019)

  • Li, T., Sahu, A. K., et al. "Federated Learning: Challenges, Methods, and Future Directions." IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (2020)

References and Further Reading Federated Learning and Data Mesh

  • Dolhopolov A, Castelltort A, Laurent A. Implementing Federated Governance in Data Mesh Architecture. Future Internet, 2024 https://doi.org/10.3390/fi16040115

  • Li, Haoyuan and Salman Toor. “Empowering Data Mesh with Federated Learning.” ArXiv abs/2403.17878 (2024)

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